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Interview with Vonda Norwood, author of Indie Authors Make Better Lovers

Tell us about Indie Authors Make Better Lovers.

Written in first person…  This is the story of my own sexual fantasy.  It is the true story about what it’s like for me, to be an independent author who gets distracted by a sexy man who I think is stalking me!

What genre is it?

Romantic Comedy or perhaps – Sexual Comedy. Is that a genre? Should be. Cuz “Indie Authors Make Better Lovers” IS a sexual comedy that is … romantic. (It’s about me, tryin to get me a taste of that man) Ya know what I’m sayin…

What kind of readers will it appeal to?

This story will appeal to readers who know how to laugh at themselves, who like sarcasm and romance with a touch of sexual ridiculousness. This story is not meant to be taken seriously. It’s meant to be light-hearted fun for those who enjoy the romantically absurd. The “moral” of this story is – communication = possibilities.

Indie Authors Make Better Lovers is quite probably the best book title I’ve heard in years. That’s not a question – I just wanted to say that to you!

Thank you! I couldn’t resist it. Being an Indie Author, no matter what you are authoring, means representing you. I love the whole – knowing who I am, what I want and not worrying about relating that. That is – a true Indie.

How much are your books autobiography and how much are they fiction?

Well, Indie Authors Make Better Lovers is my true fantasy. So, 100% of the fantasy in that book is autobiographical. See, all of my fantasies are autobiographical, because I really do think about them. Ya know what I’m sayin…

As far as my other books go.. Yea, I wish they were autobiographical.  A girl can dream…

You write comedy and erotica. When you’re sitting alone at your computer, how can you tell that something you’ve written would be funny or sexy to other people, and not just to you?

Truth is, I always assume that I am the only one who will think it is funny and or, will think it is sexy. But the thing is, I can only write what entertains me and then hope it will entertain someone else. I write stories that make me laugh and or, sexually excite me. If I have no interest, I would assume that no one else would. Not that I’d be 100% correct, but I’m not trying to be perfect. I’m having fun and sharing the stories that I enjoy.

Stories are easy for me to come up with. Writing them isn’t, but… I have a wonderful Twitter friend, Jay Squires. He’s honest and basically puts up with a lot of my “is this sexy…?” and “Does this makes sense…?” I am about as insecure as any writer can be and a friend like Jay, comes along and says things like “Your nipples are TOO BIG…”

I had me an issue with understanding the difference between describing nipples and their surrounding areas. Took him 3 or 4 emails to get me to understand what he meant. (I’m not easy to work with!) Was funny too, cuz in one email, I was actually defending large nipples with him saying, again, “I don’t think you mean nipples, Vonda…”

Do you write according to a strict schedule or do you need to wait on inspiration?

People ask me, ‘What inspired you to write Indie Authors Make Better Lovers?’ I tell them the truth, “Have ya seen the chair? It’s a freakin trouble maker! Really! I had to put THAT inspiration somewhere!” Ya know?

My problem is, I am too easily inspired! I am too reactionary. Stories pop in this head of mine faster than I can possibly write them. I’ve never had to wonder – what should I write… That’s never happened to me. I’ve got stories and I am writing them. Now if you were to ask me about poems, I’d have to say – I’ve been inspired to write two of them and I have no idea if I’ll ever be inspired to write another.

The only schedule that I do need to have is one for editing. I make editing rules for myself and break em all the time. Please don’t tell on me. I’d hate to have to deal with me, when I get angry. Ya know?

What is the first thing you ever remember writing and how old were you at the time?

The first thing that I ever wrote was a Flintstones episode. It was a re-write of their anniversary special. I wasn’t satisfied with their presentation, so I wrote what I would have preferred to have watched. I was in the 3rd grade and about eight years old.

Writing a book is never easy, but other than that, what has been the toughest part – editing or marketing?

OMG! EDITING! EDITING! I suck at it! I have a major issue with not seeing what is there and seeing what is not there. (I kid you not, the previous sentence, makes me sound drunk! How am I suppose to edit that? You be me! I dare ya!)

I can not focus long enough on the actual words that I am reading, to judge my own work. I can’t afford an editor, so I go CRAZY during my editing time. Like right now – I’m editing the 2nd book of my erotica series and I believe that chapter one is perfect, but… when I read it again tonight, I’ll find several things wrong with it and ya know, those things didn’t seem to be there yesterday!

Also, the English language… I have issues with it. Right now, I’m arguing with myself about two words that I want to be real words and the freakin dictionary says NO.  So… I think I’ll just pretend they’re real and use em anyway. Makes my editing a little less of a battle for me.

Which indie author should we interview next and why?

Have you interviewed Regina Pucket? Why?.. Cuz I love her! She’s a terrific writer!  She writes inspirational stories and freakin scary as heck stories!

If ya get lucky enough to interview Clive Johnson, could ya put in a good word for me? Be careful which good word too, cuz I think he actually knows ALL of them. He’s always sayin somethin to me that I’ve never heard of and then I gotta go to google and find out exactly what he said.  He’s the one that taught me all about “salacious”. I so love that word and use it all the time. Not always the correct way, but it’s too much fun not to use.

Have ya interviewed Penny Childs? She writes paranormal, mystery, romance and has a great sense of humor!!! She makes up fantastic twitter blurbs and eats bunnies. She’s very special.

How about Stan Grimes?  He writes poems and HE is the one who inspired me to write “It’s Igloo Time Baby”, cuz HE wouldn’t do it and someone had to do it.

Okay look, I can go on forever and that’ll probably annoy you, not that I mind that, but I gotta get to reading my book 2 so I can re-edit – again…

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I was born in Alabama, raised in California by a mother from Texas. I’m 5′ and 6” tall. I weigh one hundred and some other number which escapes my memory at the moment… I hate long walks, I got me an irrational fear of bees. I have an imagination that I know how to use. It’s the editing that I don’t know much about.

Have you got a site where readers can keep up with your work? And are you on Twitter?

I am on twitter. My twitter handle is @VondaNorwood. I always try to follow back, even though twitter sometimes keeps me from doing it.

Where can we buy Indie Authors Make Better Lovers?

On Just type Vonda Norwood into the search engine and you’ll find my work.

What’s next?

Next up, sometime around Halloween, I will be releasing book 2 of my erotica series. The series is titled – Alison’s Diary – The Knowing Of Me. Book 1 is out, the title is The Door On The Left and book 2 is titled – A Girl’s Best Friend. After that, I will be dedicating 100% of my writing time to my sequel to “Facebook breaks up” and that title is Facebook can also make ya go to jail too.

After that, I will be releasing book 3 of Alison’s Diary titled – Deadman Cometh… Again. And ya just never know when I might squeeze in another ‘shorty’ story… They are fun!

Enjoyed this interview? Then check out our conversation with John Donoghue.

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  1. I wonder what those two words that Vonda thinks should be in the dictionary are…

  2. Vonda, you’re completely off the wall, and I love you for it! About the new words – you’re in good company – Shakespeare made ’em up all the time!

    Julia xx

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